Center of Excellence
Building scalable, sustainable partnerships to accelerate registered apprenticeship (RA) adoption and improve alignment with our nation’s workforce and education systems. Visit the website:
Apprenticeship Academy
Apprentices can use the Academy to help you navigate your apprenticeship experience, learn more about program benefits and advantages, additional resources, and your workplace rights.
To highlight how apprenticeships can serve as a critical tool for business success, use the Acadmy to discover techniques to both implement, administer, and sustain a successful apprenticeship program.
Additional Courses
“Challenges and Recommendations to Launch and Expand Apprenticeship Programs” based on two Roundtable discussions with industry stakeholders, facilitated by US DOL and FASTPORT and hosted by Nestlé’s Opportunity Alliance. Click here to read the whitepaper.
“Upgrade Your Data Protection by Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce through Cyber Apprenticeships”
“90-Day Trucking Apprenticeship Challenge: Accessing Support From Your Workforce Development Board”
Fact Sheets
ROI of Apprenticeship
The Federal Resources Playbook for Registered Apprenticeship
An Effectiveness Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Registered Apprenticeship in 10 States
Apprenticeships Aren’t Just for Carpenters and Firefighters Anymore
Hiring Veterans in Apprenticeship
Fastport leadership c0-authored Military Veteran Employment: A Guide for the Data-Driven Employer. Chapter 5 discusses apprenticeship as a method to onboard Veterans into their in-demand careers. Use code ASPROMP8 to get 30% off.
Supreme Court Expands GI Bill Benefits: What Registered Apprenticeship Employers Need to Know